It made me reminisce how my life was when I was young. I grew up seeing my Dad come and go. I didnt ask questions before thinking thats how life was. There are times that he would come home and I would fear him.. ( i think i was 3 then but its still very vivid in my mind ). He came home one day with tons of bags with him. Lotsa goodies too. But I was just sitting on the sofa feeling so scared that a stranger just entered our home. He's not familiar.. But mom said he's my father and worst... mom was urging me to come near him and kiss him.
After a week or so , he is off to go to another another place.
Then when I turned prep , thats when I realize ohhh thats my dad. He is abroad working as an architect inside the US bases in Japan ( that time ). He calls us up every week just to say Hi... i wont talk to him personally but in the background I would always cry and say Uwi na.. uwi na si Daddy ( shocks I still get teary eyed remembering all those ). My mom would ask me what I like just to make me stop crying but I insisted.. "wala ako gusto.. uwi na... uwi na and I say that line over and over again as i cry. Gosh sorry mom , now I realized that must have broke your heart further. =(
I was in Grade 2 when Dad sent us a Hello kitty family calendar ( NOV yun ). That calendar was so cute... Its a big house with lotsa window.. color blue with gold stars, chimney etc.
The whole Hello kitty family is there. Each window shows the months of the year and in each window you open Dad already wrote important dates like birthdays and anniversaries. And I was glad to see a big note that says : " Daddy will be home!" on the 23rd of February.
I would always look at that calendar until it hits february. Thats how excited I am - to see him back home. But unfortunately... Dad usually stays only a week ... the longest is 2 weeks. And everytime its time for him to go back to work ... the night before as he thought I was sleeping... he would whisper sweet stuff as he sits beside me. He would always remind me that he loves us so so much. That he will miss us when he goes back to Japan. But dont fret for he'll always think of us and buy us good stuff. He always tells me to be a good girl and a good student.. to help mom in every way we could.
All those whispers were outhered he thought I was asleep but I was just pretending. We bonded all night just being close to each other ... He sat there all night until its time for him to pack and go.
It hurts that when I come back from school.. my dad for 2 weeks is gone. And it will take another 2or 3 years before I see him again.
Good thing when I reached 7 yrs old, Dad decided to take us with him to his next destination... Korea. So we could be together for a longer time. Hmm maybe thats the reason why Korea is one of the memorable places I visited. I enjoyed it there... living there, playing with other koreans eventhough they dont speak in english. I studied there too ( seoul academy school ) and had lotsa friends. But all of it wouldnt be as fun .. if we were not together as a FAMILY!

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