The reason why I was not posting much stuff in here is because I was sick for 4 days now. I had been taking care of my sick children - 1 after the other ( gosh ) that stress got into me - boom! I too got sick. Everybody fears it was dengue since my temperature would rise up to 43 degrees. But thank God it was just a viral infection too....
My typical day , after taking kids to school is to sit down relax for awhile as I defrost some meats for cooking. Open my laptop and do some surfing, chatting and mailing lotsa friends.
But yesterday was different. I woke up late ( 8:00am) and decided to just drink milk for breakfast. Cant take too much food lately.
As I drink my milk I surfed the net and chance upon my good friend CES. We had a little talk. Until a very familiar sound very distinct of an Air21 van arrived. I anticipated their every move - opening and closing of doors, doorbell sound, maids footsteps rushing towards our main door.... and the sweetest of all.. loud footsteps coming the stairs sounding much stronger as my Ate nears me. Yey! there was indeed a package for me!
This package carries alot of Marie and hello kitty stuff. Kitty for me and Marie for my daughter ... who decided to collect also like me. It made my day no doubt. Felt much much better seeing all those loots.
I waved farewell to my friend as I excitedly went into opening the package.. taking pictures of it and whats inside... Awwwww they were all nice. =)
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