I am not a crocs fan. I find their shoes weird looking / bulky / ugly.
But the other day a relative from the US sent me Prima Crocs in Lavander color. Lavander is my fave color so I didnt snob it and tried it on. It was soft, comfy sort of.. if not for the wrong size. My big toe is poking the end of the shoe. I looked at the mirror and there.... never imagined it'll look good on me and I will fall in love with this crocs! It matched my pink tube top dress and my candy colored necklace pretty well.
Cant get my mind off this crocs. I need to find the right size. Maybe a 6. I need to go to a store and fit it!
Today, I went to trinoma mall... ( thanks to Marisol ). Yes! they have lavander cutie there too. I excitedly fit size 6.... but wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It was not the right size. It was too big. It'll be left if I walk promise. So the crew said I try 5.. but just like the one in my place it was too tight! They didnt stop there , they took all their size 5's hoping there's a little wider shoe ( a molding fluke)... to no avail..
Since there's not much people around, I feel like a pricess there. Hehehehe
They let me sit in one of their boxed type chairs. Offered me to fit different styles. Nahhh still dont want the bulky looking shoes they have.. just prima I said. So I ended up buying kids athens for my youngest instead ... He loved it... and now my daughter wants one too. =)
Meeh? I'll just wait for my cutie indies. same comfort and cute style... Made in Brazil. Much more expensive though... (P3.000) it'll arrive on June 9. I just hope the shoe fits!
Tsk tsk tsk.. Stella's a certified shopaholic these days.
try the mary janes. i bet they'll look good on you too. with the mary janes, there's a strap that will hold on to your heel, so the shoe won't fall off when you walk. it isn't as bulky as the other styles.
I tried it.. still looks bulky eh.. maybe it'll look better withs horts.. Gimik tayo hehehe explore trinoma
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