Monday, May 7, 2007

May 2007 Elections: Do you know who to vote for?

In seven days, one of the most controversy-filled elections in Philippine history is coming up. The Philippine elections of 2007 have been filled with some many side stories, confusion and and celebrities that often there’s a reason to puke…. Give up and ignore. Let the day pass. It’s doesn’t matter anyway. Either way, your votes won’t count

If you’ve ever had those thoughts (I know I did, once, twice) then I implore you - please don’t give up on our country. I know it seems hopeless at times and it feels like we are running in circles but we cannot really just give up , lets do this for the sake of our children's future.

I don’t have any political parties or candidates to recommend or push, but as real citizens of the Philippines, get to know your candidates. Find the best people who can serve us. No one is asking for a miracle, and none can truly make dramatic changes to our political scene, but there are candidates out there who are strong enough to make a positive change. If we vote all of the good ones into office, then there is HOPE.

Here is the link to the list and profiles of each senatorial candidate. The Philippine Election 2007 blog also provides commentaries for you to think through.

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